The Fish We Harvest from the Northwest Atlantic,
Wade Kearley Foreword by Dr. George Rose
Boulder Publications
They assert that the sea there is swarming with fish, which can be taken not only with net, but in baskets let down with a stone. - John Cabot, 1497
For Centuries, the fates of people living along the east coast of Canada and the United States have been tied to the fishery-- and the harvesting of the northwest Atlantic began long before Europeans first settled these shores.
Today, overfishing and a changing ocean environment threaten many fish stocks. Yet despite the many ongoing challenges, the fishing industry persists, still central to the economic well- being of North America. It is also at the core of cultural identity—from Newfoundland and Labrador to the Eastern Seaboard.
Here’s the Catch celebrates the finfish species that are the reason many communities remain linked to the northwest Atlantic Ocean. It also explores what could be lost or gained from this historic resource in the coming years--depending on our actions. Do we continue to undermine this vast ecosystem? Or will we manage it--and the fishery-- in ways that allow these fish stocks to once again flourish?
In his foreword, renowned fisheries scientist George Rose is cautiously optimistic about the future. For his part, author Wade Kearley provides a wealth of detail about the astonishing variety of fish we harvest from the sea, giving you insight into the complexity of factors affecting the health of both the fish and the fishery.
Inside Here’s the Catch you’ll also find:
. Beautiful watercolour portraits of 52 finfish species by artist and illustrator Derek Peddle
. Descriptions of the appearance and life history of each species and discussions about harvesting
statistics and at - risk status
. Graphic icons that provide at-a-glance information about where and how species live and
. An illustrated primer on the main harvesting methods
. Detailed and easy-to-read charts that allow you to compare the unique traits of every species
included in the book